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Theologian Ulf Carmesund back from Israel

Ulf CarmesundAftonbladet Michael Stengård direct reports

He was imprisoned for two days.

At 13, on Wednesday landed the fourth Swede In Gaza – theologian Ulf Carmesund (S).

– They played a captain with a rifle butt in the head, “he told Aftonbladet’s reporter who is on site at the airport.

It was a tired and ratings included Ulf Carmesund who met his family and the press at the airport today, after two days in Israeli prison.

Ulf Carmesund, international secretary of the Swedish Christian Social Democrats, was on board one of the six ships, ship Sfendonh, which was consummated by Israeli troops on Monday morning.
Masked and armed

He went to bed sihg to sleep at half past three o’clock in the morning.

– Shortly thereafter, I was awakened. Between 15 and 20 masked troops stormed on board, he says right after he landed at a press conference at the airport.

The soldiers were armed with automatic weapons, rubber bullets and tear gas.

– We tried to use non-violence that we have learned, but we did not have time to take our positions, “he says.

Did captain

The Israelis knew what to do. They quickly took control of the wheelhouse.

– They played a captain with a rifle butt in the head, “says Carmesund.

The other board was forced out since the deck where they were forced to sit still. The other five boats in the convoy ship was already lost.

– The only thing that was seen was a military craft, “says Carmesund.
No violence

He says that the Israeli soldiers did not use excessive force.

– They behaved correctly towards us, except that they knock down our captain.

When they landed, they were of all his belongings and was separated out from each other.

Carmesund was late with an ultimatum – or deported to face trial in Israel.

– Since I wanted to get home to my children, I chose to write directly over the deportation, there was no question of anything else ..
“Like sitting in a kennel”

He was then accompanied by an American in a small transit bus for transportation to the airport in Tel Aviv.

– There was no air conditioning, I got the feeling of sitting in a kennel.

All the time they got questions about what they did on the vessels. When he asked where his luggage was accounted soldiers all the time that it would come.

– I still have not seen this, “he says.
No information about the other Swedes

He has no information on how the other Swedes were doing or they have been detained.

– I saw Henry Ascher and Amil Sarsour last time on the boat. Only when I was transported to the airport I learned that people had died.

Ulf Carmesund says he never felt scared, but anxious to sit in detention. He now flies home to Gothenburg with his family.

Ulf’s wife, Ulrica Englund, is overjoyed at having her husband home safely.

– It was terrible during the twelve hours I did not know whether he survived or not. Now we are going home and rest up ourselves and meet friends and family, “she says.

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